Human Services

Community Outreach

Addressing the Growing Need for Basic Items


Traditions ground us. Every year we come together, with your support, to deliver essentials to the communities we serve. From warm winter coats to holiday meals, your support makes these traditions possible. Find out where and when by subscribing to our newsletter.

Supporting An Aging Population’s Well Being


Every month, in partnership with Focus:HOPE, we provide food items to low income residents age 60 and over in Oakland and Macomb County. Our services are available at the St. George Community Center.

English As A Second Language

English Second Language classes are offered to residents of the Senior Solberg Building located in Madison Heights. Additional course curriculums are available, including but not limited to a wide range of practical teachings such as mental health, healthy living, and more.

To learn more about our class offerings, click here for a schedule or contact.


Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity Program


Nodding to our early beginnings, the Multicultural Awareness Training Program is a comprehensive training promoting appreciation and tolerance. Our cultural program is a key component of our mission to ensure humanity lives in every community we serve through access to core human needs. By building a bridge to understanding, we foster safety, health and peace.